Solving Minesweeper – Part 4: Decision Making

Last time we reached the point where we had an in memory representation of the game. Today we are going to make some decisions based on the game state. Basically we will decide about an empty field if it is a bomb or it is safe. Let’s consider the following input image (I’ve cut out the excess, the rest is just empty squares).

If you are an experienced player, you will instantly spot that there are a lot of information available here. This is how the magic happens.

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Solving Minesweeper – Part 3: Image Analysis

Let me start by saying, playing around with OpenCV was a lot of fun. I’m genuinely impressed by it and I consider it a very useful resource to have it on your tool belt. What I tried to achieve in this part is having the game state in a processable manner. Currently what I get from the game is an image. We humans understand it perfectly well but in order to write an algorithm which will make some decision based on the game state. I need to extract the meaning out of it. Here is where OpenCV comes in.

My plan is simple.

  1. Cut out each cell the game can have on board into a separate png.
  2. Iterate over the cutouts and check where do they turn up in the image.
  3. Extract the findings into an array which I can process further

To shortcut testing I loaded up a print screen of the game and analyzed that instead of the image that comes from the game. We will handle wiring everything together in a different post. This I what our input looks like.

The following code might look complicated but the process is actually simple.

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Solving Minesweeper – Part 2: Game Screenshot

In my last post I told you about the steps we need to be able to make in order to solve Minesweeper. I spent some time to achieve the first step, but it was a roller-coaster of emotions, mainly involving anger.

My initial approach was to write a C# console application that:

  • 1. Search through the processes where the name matched Microsoft Minesweeper.
  • 2. Read the handle to it’s window through the MainWindowHandle property on the ProcessInfo object.
  • 3. DllImport the GetWindowRect function from WinApi and use it to find the screen-coordinates of that window
  • 4. Create a Bitmap object with the appropriate size
  • 5. Attach a Graphics object to the bitmap with the Graphics.FromImage function and use CopyFromScreen to, well copy the game window content into the Bitmap
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Solving Minesweeper – Part 1: The Plan

What i will attempt in this multi part post, is to write an application that will be able to play and solve Microsoft Minesweeper. I know it feels ambitious but i think we can make it happen. Since this is my first post where i don’t actually know how and what will i do, i cannot promise i won’t change technologies or frameworks in the meantime. So strap yourselves in and lets think it through.

I approach this like any other larger scale work i need to do, i break it down to smaller more manageable items, then devise an approach for each of them.

  1. I need to get the current image of Minesweeper. Whenever you press ALT + PRINTSCR in a window, the contents of that window gets copied into the clipboard. I know i will find something in WinAPI that will help me with that.
  2. I need to analyze the image and extract the current state of the board. I can approach this by doing pattern matching on the image either writing it myself or using an image analysis library like OpenCV
  3. I need to write the logic which detects where the mines are. I will probably use an approach like what i used in the Solving Sudoku post.
  4. I need to make actions in the game. In the past i worked with moving the mouse and issuing click commands from my application using WinAPI

A lot of time past since my last post and you probably think i was slacking off. It’s nothing like that. I had this idea a while ago and i spent some time researching each problem we need to solve, in my after work and after family hours.

I’m looking forward to this and see you soon.