So what am I doing here?

To be perfectly honest, I’m not so sure. Lately i started to reflect on software craftsmanship a lot, not only regarding my own career, but also through discussions I have with more, and with less experienced colleges.

Since these topics are interesting, I though there might be others out here that would enjoy this, so i immediately thought about you, my dear reader who might be taking the same turns in your own roller-coaster ride called “career” as me.

I don’t know everything, god knows there are some days i feel like “i don’t know anything!”, so i’m not promising you wisdom or advice, i can only offer my own view and experience about some of the practices, situations, methodologies and struggles that one might encounter while working as a software developer.

I hope my posts will be useful or at least entertaining, otherwise they would be useless as Manoj Bhargava would put it. See you soon!